CBS Inc. launches 'REP5' program to maximize feed benefits for ruminants
January 19, 2017

CALGARY, ALBERTA — Canadian Bio-Systems Inc. (CBS Inc.) has introduced a new ‘REP5’ (Ruminant Enhancement Program 5) initiative available for the new year to dairy and beef operations. The program is designed to maximize animal performance and economic value through an integrated approach to feed enhancing products for ruminants.
“The feed technology options for beef and dairy animals have never been better,” says Blake Copeland, lead western ruminant sales representative for CBS Inc. "The research has advanced. The knowledge has advanced. The latest products represent a brand new level of science and innovation. REP5 allows our customers to tailor the best combination of five of our top feed enhancing options, for overall more cost effective and powerful results."
REP5 represents the ‘best of the best’ for ruminants from the CBS portfolio, says Sabrina Zettell, CBS Inc. nutritionist. “Each of the products have unique advantages that complement one another and work well together through tailored integrated approaches. All are bio-based so they are an excellent fit with what customers and consumers are demanding today. They also fit well with reduced antibiotic systems, by providing alternative ways to promote optimal productivity.”
REP5 features Maxi-Gen Plus MRF, Maxi-Nutrio, DeStress, Release and NutraMix.
Maxi-Gen Plus MRF is an enhanced yeast supplement designed to support growth performance and animal health while also alleviating stress. “This product utilizes the latest in enhanced yeast technology, developed through CBS Inc. partnerships with leading universities,” says Zettlell. “Among numerous advantages, it is formulated to be highly soluble in milk replacers.”
Maxi-Nutrio is a yeast supplement that supports optimized efficiency and nutrition capture throughout the production cycle. “Its specific activity includes increasing the surface area of intestinal microvilli to facilitate increased nutrient absorption,” says Zettell. “It is also a prebiotic that can stimulate other positive feeding performance activity, while mitigating the potential threat of detrimental microorganisms.”
DeStress is a unique option that represents a brand new approach – as a nutritional therapy supplement – to protect dairy and beef cattle from the damaging effects of stress experienced during handling, including key situations such as transport, regrouping and weaning.
“Studies with ruminants show substantial advantages with DeStress, related to reduced stress,” says Copeland. “This includes protection against performance and productivity reductions, as well as improved live weight retention, grading and carcass yield. DeStress also reduces the incidences of dark cutter.”
Release is a next generation enzyme supplement that features multi-carbohydrase technology to effectively break down complex target substrates. “Release is specifically formulated to optimize rumen function,” says Zettell. “It represents the latest in advanced enzyme technology for dairy and beef cattle.”
Rounding out the REP5 portfolio is NutraMix, a grain management tool that provides a safeguard to ensure high quality livestock feed. “NutraMix makes sure the quality is there and provides that peace of mind that the animal is getting the best nutritional value possible from the feed,” says Copeland.
CBS Inc. is an innovation-focused company that researches, develops and manufactures a wide range of bio-based products used in feed, food and industrial applications. It is a pioneer and leader in enzymes and other bio-based feed technology options, leveraging over 30 years of research and development. More information on CBS Inc. and its comprehensive line of feed technology is available at