Feed technology drives new opportunities for Asia Pacific livestock production
March 15, 2019

Top developments including new Feed Science Platforms showcased at VIV Asia 2019
New advances in feed technology are helping to fuel a new generation of livestock industry progress across the Asia Pacific.
A number of the latest innovations were highlighted at the VIV Asia 2019 exhibition, March 13-15 in Bangkok, featuring more than 1,250 international exhibitors from more than 60 countries and visitors estimated at over 50,000 from 126 countries.
“An important new time of opportunity is taking hold for animal agriculture in the Asia Pacific,” says Rob Patterson, Technical Director of Canadian Bio-Systems Inc. (CBS Inc.) “Feed technology is a major driver. VIV Asia provides a window not only on many of the latest advances but also the bright future that lies ahead as more producers, nutritionists, feed mills and industry take advantage of the latest science-based knowledge and tools. Poultry, swine, ruminant and aquaculture industries all have strong potential to reach new levels of sophistication, efficiency and profitability.”
The key to success is to overcome traditional barriers, says Dr. Eduardo Tuason, CBS Inc. International Sales Manager – Asia Pacific. Compared to western countries, many key production regions of the Asia Pacific have faced greater challenges in terms of the feed sources available, with limited choices, lack of consistency in feed sources, cost obstacles and other factors. “Access to the right feed technology is becoming the great equalizer for the Asia Pacific. It allows producers to get far more value and benefits from feed. It is a major agent of change that is driving a new generation of progress across the region.”
CBS Inc. is an example of an innovation focused animal nutrition company continuing to build on years of investment growing relationships and presence in the region, helping to bring the benefits of new knowledge, science and technology to this fast-evolving emerging market. Earlier in the week prior to VIV Asia 2019, CBS Inc. hosted its 2nd Asian Nutrition Summit in Bangkok, featuring leading experts discussing new frontiers in swine and poultry nutrition. Featured speakers included Dr. Elijah Kiarie of the University of Guelph (Canada) and Dr. Joey Lee of National Pingtung University of Science and Technology (Taiwan).
Leading examples of the top areas of feed technology now becoming more widely available and adopted in the Asia Pacific include those featured as CBS Inc. Feed Science Platforms (FSPs). The FSPs include five areas of feed technology innovation: Multi-Carbohydrase technology, enhanced yeast technology, grain management technology, functional fatty acids, and phytogenics and probiotics.
Each FSP area offers unique approaches to feed enhancement. Multi-Carbohydrase technology is a leading-edge area of enzyme technology pioneered by CBS Inc. that involves using multiple enzymes with multiple activities to achieve a high level of targeted feed breakdown and nutrition capture. Enhanced yeast technology features natural growth promoter (NGP) activity supporting healthy animals and optimized productivity. Functional fatty acids are gaining rising attention today in particular for their potential to replace conventional options and support systems moving toward reduced use of antimicrobials.
Grain management technology focuses on safeguarding feed quality to provide a valuable quality assurance tool and insurance policy for both feed and animals. Phytogenics & probiotics represent innovative plant-based extract technology that helps support a positive and nurturing environment critical to get the most efficiency and benefits from feed and nutrition approaches. The platforms are backed by technical support including a newly launched web-based app to help livestock operations determine “What’s your FSP fingerprint?” to identify the best customized package for each operation. This includes opportunities to capture unique synergies via combined application of different technologies.
“Precision and custom tailoring is the future of feed technology” says Tuason. “This is the case no matter where you are in the word. Today we are seeing this as a rising trend in the Asia Pacific which is placing this region on a more level playing field with other global animal production regions. It’s an exciting time to be a part of this progress, working closely with our valued partners and expanding customer base.”
“Every time we participate at VIV Asia, including this year as our first time as a stand-alone exhibitor, we see more energy and excitement around feed technology,” says Krisjan Jones, CBS Inc. Operations Director and part of the company’s VIV Asia 2019 delegation. “This reflects what we are seeing in the field as the bar of performance and opportunity for this region keeps rising higher.”
CBS Inc. is an innovation-focused company that researches, develops and manufactures a wide range of bio-based products used in feed, food and industrial applications. More information of CBS Inc. Feed Science Platforms is available at fsp.canadianbio.com and additional CBS Inc. information is available at www.canadianbio.com.