New Canadian Bio-Systems website offers new window on feed technology innovation
October 31, 2015

The world of feed technology is rapidly evolving with groundbreaking science and a range of innovative new options to support efficiency, performance, health and environmental benefits.
Now industry can get a unique look inside this world through the newly revamped website of Canadian Bio-Systems Inc. (CBS Inc.)
“The new website is designed to provide all of our customers and partners – and everyone with an interest in feed technology – with a unique look inside the world of CBS Inc.,” says Krisjan Jones, Operations Director. “It represents the evolution of our business, the new opportunities emerging, and the new developments shaping the future.”
The new website, located at, offers comprehensive information on CBS Inc. and the company’s products and services. This includes options for poultry, swine, beef, dairy and more. It also features a broad range of fresh, regularly updated content, including feature stories, news and information releases, meeting reports and more.
The site also features premium content from the CBS Inc. FeedScape e-newsletter, “Showcasing ideas & innovations in the new world of feed technology.” (Free sign-up for FeedScape is available at
“We’re in a new era of communications where ‘content is king,’” says Jones. “The new site reflects this focus. We have made a commitment to developing a strong base of quality content, regularly updated and expanded, to help our customers and partners keep up to date with the latest developments and to help support them in their management decisions.”
The website features a cutting-edge design based on the latest thinking in next generation web development. It is mobile friendly, social media friendly, and offers Live Chat for customers to interact immediately and directly with CBS Inc. The site also offers comprehensive language selection to support international customers around the globe.
“The website has become a major hub and anchor to our connection with industry,” says Jones. “We want to make it the best experience possible for all users, with a site that is not only leading edge but also very user friendly and simple to navigate, whether from the desktop or mobile phone. This dovetails nicely with our growing social media effort, to offer a comprehensive next generation, interactive, multi-platform base for CBS Inc. knowledge and information.”