Three things to know about new Yeast Bioactives technology
February 28, 2019

A new frontier in feed technology has recently emerged with the introduction of 'Yeast Bioactives' from Canadian Bio-Systems Inc. (CBS Inc.)
This brand new category of feed technology represents an innovative solution designed to fit the new landscape of livestock production.
Yeast Bioactives technology has shown properties and activities that help to mitigate a number of potential threats that can undermine feed quality, animal performance, animal health and food safety. It has also shown a high level of prebiotic activity that further supports an optimal environment for animal wellness, performance and related productivity.
Yeast Bioactives technology represents a leap forward in consistency and efficacy compared to conventional yeast cell wall components used in animal feed.
Designed for use as a feed supplement in diets for poultry, swine and ruminants, it fits as an enhanced yeast and grain management option with advantages for all types of production systems, including those targeting reduction or replacement of antimicrobial use.
Yeast Bioactives technology can fit with integrated strategies for optimal use of feed technology, as designed via the "What's your FSP fingerprint?" system.
Enhanced yeast technology features natural growth promoter activity supporting healthy animals and optimized productivity. Grain management technology focuses on safeguarding feed quality to provide a valuable quality assurance tool and insurance policy for both feed and animals.
Yeast Bioactives technology can be used consistently as an ongoing safeguard and support for optimal health, performance and productivity under a variety of production systems. Its grain management benefits focus on safeguarding feed quality to provide a valuable quality assurance tool and insurance policy for both feed and animals.
As a bio-based feed ingredient, Yeast Bioactives technology also fits the type of solution favored not only on-farm but also by retail customers and consumers of animal-based food products.
Did you know? The FSPs include five areas of feed technology innovation: Multi-Carbohydrase technology, enhanced yeast technology, grain management technology, functional fatty acids, and phytogenics and probiotics. Together they represent a comprehensive portfolio of advanced bio-based feed technology solutions to benefit poultry, swine, aquaculture and ruminant production. Learn more here in this article from Feedstuffs.